Stuck On The Name
Stuck On The Name
In episode 8, Donia and Arricca continue with their morning with Ann Patrice. The ladies share who their celebrity crushes are, and you may be surprised to find out. They share the feeling of loss when you learn that an artist you've loved passes. They discuss the issues that someone in the spotlight may encounter when dating. Find out what Ann takes with her to every restaurant and why! How important is a clean kitchen? Ann shares some exciting news about an upcoming celebration. And they discuss the fact that aspiring artists receive less hometown support than from other parts of the country.
Unknown Speaker 0:00
And welcome back to another edition of stuck on the name with Donnie and Erica. This morning, we're going to continue with our interview with author, music publisher,
Unknown Speaker 0:09
songwriter playwright from Cincinnati, Ohio Miss and Patrice
Unknown Speaker 0:15
guess, our even thought that I will be where I am now. Because it wasn't a lifelong dream of mine. But like a lot of people have ideals and goals and dreams, you know, in being whatever they're pursuing, from childhood, you know, and because my ex came later on in life, and still married, considered a dream, like I said, this literally fell in my lap, and I still can embrace it. But it's not something that I, you know, from, from, from childhood, or from, you know, when I was a teenager, like, oh, when I grew up with her, and a few years, I'm gonna do this and that I didn't have those sides, I didn't have those ideas. So I am, and to this day, really still can't fully explain it. Let's be honest, I just know what I've embraced. What I've nourished, and what I've, you know, what I've took off with, and like I said, you have people who, who see, you know, the seeds that you planted, they see that, you know, and they, they, they kind of honor it, but they want to be a part of it. You know, and I'm very grateful for the people who've come into my life since I started out on this journey, because they've been a great help to me. But I'm very humble at the same time. I'm not flashy. I don't go around boasting and bragging and all that stuff. That's just not who I am. So I'm very low key, for the most part. I'm very lucky. I think that's beautiful. It is beautiful.
Unknown Speaker 2:11
are staying grounded, staying grounded in it and thinking
Unknown Speaker 2:15
everyday, yes. Because I feel like at any moment, it can be snatched away from you. So you have to remain humble. And you have to remember where you come from. And you have to remember your foundation because that's, that's what you go back to when when times get a little rough where you are. When you're when you're second guessing yourself and you're questioning yourself, you go back to your foundation that you built for yourself. For sure. For sure. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 2:44
So do you find yourself singing in the shower?
Unknown Speaker 2:47
Who don't sing in the shower? in the shower, you just ain't got no type of personality at all. At one point in a license, I'm gonna shower honey, and you can be tone deaf as hell. And you get in the shower to make you sound like you just oh my god. You the next day. Yeah. I love it. I love it. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 3:17
So and I just have to ask. You just said that we you know who doesn't sing in the shower? So who doesn't have one of these? Who's your celebrity crush?
Unknown Speaker 3:28
Man. So I have a celebrity crush anymore. Oh, but back in the day. I will have to say Michael Michael ealy. Michael ealy was definitely somebody that I crushed on. Michael could Michael ealy could get it anytime any day. morning noon after you know could have been anytime. Oh, yes. Do you know who he is?
Unknown Speaker 4:00
Yeah, he's gorgeous. Gorgeous.
Unknown Speaker 4:03
Uh huh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I
Unknown Speaker 4:12
get it. Yes. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 4:15
Yes. The barber the barber shop days. Yeah. I just
Unknown Speaker 4:22
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 4:23
Does he not say on a crime show now is he?
Unknown Speaker 4:27
i? Again, I don't watch too much TV. So you tell me because I don't know.
Unknown Speaker 4:41
Yeah. But nowadays, I really don't have a celebrity crush. I mean, yeah. I thought about it. Yet Sonia, Miko Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 5:05
You go first because I am sitting here like I you know, honestly,
Unknown Speaker 5:09
do I not anymore
Unknown Speaker 5:14
that's exactly how I feel. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 5:17
I know she's got like she got like five but there's a couple that are that are deaf
Unknown Speaker 5:23
girl eight Vin Diesel.
Unknown Speaker 5:27
Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 5:30
All right. Yeah. Michelle Rodriguez.
Unknown Speaker 5:33
Unknown Speaker 5:34
she's beautiful. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 5:36
beautiful. Okay, I love her.
Unknown Speaker 5:38
And then oh my gosh, don't ya Snoop Dogg? I know everybody has. Wow.
Unknown Speaker 5:45
Because I haven't got banned. I gotta jump in what? You know. You have no idea.
Unknown Speaker 5:53
I wouldn't have left my husband by now. I'm divorced out for this bed. Like I have been in love with dogs.
Unknown Speaker 6:02
I know but that's just the national crush chat girl his
Unknown Speaker 6:07
personality his boys his luck his
Unknown Speaker 6:11
bad girl. Can I can I can I interject here? He is that no body? he strikes bones like what are you crushing on with bones?
Unknown Speaker 6:21
I don't know. I agree. He He's really not like my typical like, there is just something about that, man. I don't know. I'm telling you.
Unknown Speaker 6:33
You made him. Yeah. I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try to do something special for you. And on that note then, but oh my god. Okay, cool.
Unknown Speaker 6:50
I have loved him. Like, God knows super. I mean,
Unknown Speaker 6:56
I have.
Unknown Speaker 6:57
I have a few that you know, still take my breath away. Like lol will always take my breath away.
Unknown Speaker 7:02
Oh, yeah. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 7:06
I still have my poster I saw okay. I have a couple but I still have one poster of him where he was an NGO. And okay, there was he just that smile and just those lips and I still hold on. He wasn't licking those lips, though. But not in their host. You know,
Unknown Speaker 7:22
Adam, okay. Okay. I actually
Unknown Speaker 7:28
met I actually met a man again several years ago, because I was dating then. I haven't been for like four or five years. But I was dating them. And I met this man and he resembled him so much. But the whole he went overboard on he knew he resembled him, and he would not stop licking his lips. And one day I told him, it's just too much.
Unknown Speaker 7:52
Good on me like. Okay, okay. That's cool.
Unknown Speaker 8:01
And just to add a couple more celebrity crushes.
Unknown Speaker 8:09
Oh, Taye Diggs
Unknown Speaker 8:11
is incredibly beautiful and so talented.
Unknown Speaker 8:16
Okay, well, okay, cool. I did. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 8:22
And row James. Oh, my goodness. Not only is he fine, but it's his music. Like I fell in love with this man's music. From the first moment that I heard it, like, just absolutely in love.
Unknown Speaker 8:38
Not a crush, or not a celebrity crush, but a really awesome guy that we got to meet donia was Lavelle Webb, who's known by Oh cities, but he was incredible and so nice. It was fantastic to meet him. Did you just ask Who?
Unknown Speaker 8:58
Yeah. Who's quoted to say
Unknown Speaker 9:00
Lavelle Webb. Also say James city spud? And we met him in Jackson at the concert and that is Nellies. Little brother.
Unknown Speaker 9:13
Oh, yeah. Now least nice looking, but I never heard
Unknown Speaker 9:18
he he was in prison for a while. That's why he had the band aid. Now he were the band aid for his little brother. And when he took it off, that's when he came and did a show maybe three or four years ago would you say don't you it's been a minute now.
Unknown Speaker 9:33
Unknown Speaker 9:36
I want to say that had been four or five. Okay. like four or five.
Unknown Speaker 9:40
Yeah, he was super sweet and so nice. And an amazing humble person for sure. It was very nice to meet hopefully. If you ever had and he is somebody that would is a great person.
Unknown Speaker 9:58
Beautiful because You said it then have to believe so that's beautiful. Okay, so avail were gacha. Now I do want to acknowledge someone who's no longer living now, but in general livered honey. Taro was like, I never got a chance to meet him. But Gerald was everything. You know what I mean? When I was pregnant with my son, and I remember I was driving to work, listening to the radio, and you know, they kept playing all these Gerald Levert songs. I'm like, Oh, they jam it day out. They play all the songs that day. Right? Right. So when a great for commercial and they came on the air and he was like, Yeah, all day today with where were throwing a tribute to Joe liver. And I remember thinking to myself, well, hell tribute normally being somebody that passed or something right. No, didn't dawn on me until they got get to that part and was like, if you haven't heard by now, Gerald Levert passed away this morning. And it was like, everything just stopped in its tracks for me. I was so sick. I was like, What? Oh, they just think that I know I need to be dreaming that my job Oh, right. Right, man. I was I was such a jerk lover nut that when I got to work, everybody, my eyes were bloodshot red, I had to cry. And Aaron now remind you, I'm pregnant. So I already am built with like, all these emotions and all this crap. When I got to work, everybody came up hugging me and said like, I'm so sorry.
Unknown Speaker 11:58
Oh my god, you know, just hanging out. And till this day is just like Why? Man? Like he was like a big dude. But damn, he was just Oh, Darrell, was that. Okay? Hey, made it he made it worked for him. He he made like his voice like to me. He's like the carbon copy of his dad because sometimes you can't tell them apart when you hear him singing because You sound just like his dad. Eddie lover. But, you know, Gerald was a big guy, but he made it work for him and it didn't even matter. Okay. So, yeah, that just tore me apart. So yeah, you asked me about my celebrity. Oh, I ain't got no more celebrity crushes. I'm done.
Unknown Speaker 12:54
I still have my job over CDs for sure. And my very first dance was to liverworts pop pop pop
Unknown Speaker 13:02
up. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 13:07
I probably should share which I have a picture. I have a picture with him that I actually got to take when I I met them.
Unknown Speaker 13:15
I knew right now that I didn't get to meet lovers. No, no, no, not them. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 13:21
the one that I do have a crush. I do and always have.
Unknown Speaker 13:25
Yes. Absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 13:27
One of mine has is I'll share him first. One of mine past two. That was easy. He
Unknown Speaker 13:34
was okay.
Unknown Speaker 13:37
And then I actually got a chance to meet his son briefly when he performed at a club in Lansing several years ago. And his son is the spitting image of his dad. I just stood there looking at him like
Unknown Speaker 13:48
oh my god. That I can't get to your dad. Then I'll take it.
Unknown Speaker 13:59
And then Chuck D. Chuck D and I do have a picture with Chuck D.
Unknown Speaker 14:03
from public enemy. Enemy. Oh, yeah. I like that. Because if you want to send over like a big card.
Unknown Speaker 14:27
No. Okay. And he is he was amazing. It was he was absolutely amazing. Very polite, very genuine, very humble. little smile and I said can I get this okay to you know, chat with you and get a picture with you. He was absolutely clear. Beautiful. Let's get a picture.
Unknown Speaker 14:46
And it made you feel on top of the world. Yeah. Absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 14:52
That man since oh my gosh, since I was a teenager.
Unknown Speaker 14:54
You know what I mean? Yes, absolutely. Oh my gosh.
Unknown Speaker 15:00
It was it was an absolute pleasure to meet him for sure. I mean, it was a pleasure to meet everybody that I got a chance to meet. He was just, he was, you know, just a little on that special side for me because, you know, you'd stare at that things all dreamily.
Unknown Speaker 15:19
We're here. And those goals and memories, you know, and that's something you'll never forget and will always be witches. So, yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 15:28
So, speaking of like, crushes and stuff. Um, it may, it may have been a second because I know you said you're working in a lot. But when it comes to dating, do you have a best date story to give these these guys and girls tips on what would be a phenomenal date? Something that was special?
Unknown Speaker 15:50
Um, I mean, I have I have a few best date stories, but I have the worst date story to okay. And, you know, guys, it's like, I gotta think about it before enforcing it, because I don't want to. I don't want to come off as you know, negative for you know, the short man, I really don't because I don't have anything I love for everybody. But you know, I'm a tall girl. So how tall? Are you? Just curious? I am. I am 511. Okay. Look, I'm 511 without shoes. And I'm about 6162 ish dependent on a hill, because I love to wear heels and stilettos. Okay. For all the tall girls out there. Okay, we cannot help that we're tall. Girl is beautiful. And we like to wear that tie shit, too. We do. So, and I'm one of them who wear it and I rock it well. So. Okay, so speaking on that. As far as the worst day, I would have to say was more. I don't want to call her a bad date. It was just kind of embarrassing for me. You know what I mean? It made me feel uncomfortable. So like I said, I'm very tall. I'm 511 he probably would think I'm damn 16 I don't know. But um, so me in. Okay, so with me being as tall as I am. And going out as someone that's shorter than me and I'm not talking about the answer to but to like, someone who's like, five, five or five, six. Okay, of course, this person did not have a problem being with somebody, you know, that was taller than him. Okay. Now, again, I'm gonna wear my heels. I'm gonna do me, I'm gonna be me. But he was loving it. And I just kind of felt uncomfortable because it just look kind of funny. With him trying to hug me to have his arm around my waist. While we're walking me having to squat to be at eye level. Yeah, not my thing. And just getting to where it looks from people. It just was. I don't know, like, and we were on a double date. My cousin was Whitney. She was with her guy. And I was trying to walk with her. I was like, Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed. And she was just laughing.
Unknown Speaker 18:39
This is awkward. Don't get me wrong again. To each his own. Some people don't mind it, you know, but this was like years and years and years ago. You know, I was younger. But still, I've been told all my life. I would never forget. And I just don't. I don't know, like when you're out. You just want to you want to feel comfortable. You want to have fun, you don't want to make you think about what the next person is thinking now. Now, I'm older. I don't really care what the next person think about anything when it comes to me anymore because to me, that's your problem. But I do have my own, you know, observations too and that's just that just don't work for me. So
Unknown Speaker 19:23
we're all of us we're allowed to have our own preferences you know for sure. Yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 19:28
And you
Unknown Speaker 19:28
know, we love what we love them we like what we like and it's not for anyone or the world to famous for any of that so
Unknown Speaker 19:37
yeah. Yeah, so it Yeah, that was just very uncomfortable. I couldn't wait for that day to be over. I was like, Oh my god, this is so just this is not it.
Unknown Speaker 19:51
No, are you
Unknown Speaker 19:53
Oh, go ahead. Are you good?
Unknown Speaker 19:55
Are you single taken or on hiatus right now? What are you
Unknown Speaker 20:01
Oh, I like that. Okay, okay, I can answer this question. Um, first and foremost, I'm very, very, very private. I like to tell people I put the pin in private when it comes to my personal life because I am. But I will say that I don't know what being single feel like. There's been very minimal opportunity since my teenage years for me to experience being alone. And I'll just leave it there. Yeah. Let's see.
Unknown Speaker 20:50
Wait a minute.
Unknown Speaker 20:50
I have a question.
Unknown Speaker 20:52
Oh, would you ever date a fan? Or have you ever dated a fan?
Unknown Speaker 21:07
No, I mean, so, no, I have never. I don't even know if I want to call them fans. But I don't know. It's just all the pans. Know what I mean? is I think, I think when you're in the profession that I'm in this is I think the biggest challenge for me is it's hard to know that person's. It's kind of hard to know what that person is coming from, you know what I mean? You don't know why they're really with you. The person that you are already with you for clout already with you, because you think you have money or that you really for love, you know, I mean, so that would be the most challenging part of dating. You know, someone who admires you, I'll call with that. Someone who admires you. Because you really, you really won't know, where they really where their heart is until you get to the thick of it. And once you get into the thick of it, either gonna burn with it, or you're gonna move on to girl with it. So that's kind of a hard question. Yeah. I think that was the answer. That's right.
Unknown Speaker 22:34
You know, even excuse me even regular everyday life and everyday relationships. Sometimes it's difficult to understand what's what someone's motivation is.
Unknown Speaker 22:43
Yeah, absolutely. You really don't know, you know, a person can get with you. They can have their own agenda. And sometimes, you know, in some cases, there is no agenda. They just really they're into you as a person but you really don't know that and that's where the trust issue comes in at and everything else that comes with that. So yeah, that's, that's kind of hard.
Unknown Speaker 23:06
Yeah, it sure can be. It sure can be. So do you have any pet peeves?
Unknown Speaker 23:14
I do. Um, for the most part, I have one pet peeve and it's bad and it's the kitchen. I hate a dirty kitchen. I hate a dirty house period. But I hate hate, hate, hate hate hate a dirty kitchen. So that means Okay, let me elaborate. That means if I cleaned the kitchen, if I cleaned the kitchen and I didn't wash the dishes and you know to wash the range, countertops and all of that the kitchen is deemed clean. Okay. Now let's say you come in from wherever work wherever I don't care. Okay. And I see you work in the sink and my clean kitchen. I'm going to throw off it because this kitchen was clean. So whenever you use after the fact you need to wash it and put it up I don't want to see nothing in my sink. I am very bad when I've been like this for life. And it's because of how I was raised like like I said I have two sisters. And we were raised to clean the kitchen three times a day. Okay. It's just been me that's instilled in me. I hate dirty kitchen I cannot cook if the kitchen is dirty. I cannot I don't ever had a problem with my kitchen is ever dirty because of how I am and Chuck right. You know people feel my wrath. They know they are trained
Unknown Speaker 24:48
is trained. Okay. That to me when it comes to the household, although your house needs to be clean period, the kitchen and the bathroom Already, but those are the two things I need to stay clean. Yeah, those are my thoughts. Okay. Gotcha, gotcha. Mm hmm. What about what about your
Unknown Speaker 25:12
What about habits? Do you have any habits that that aren't considered annoying?
Unknown Speaker 25:19
Um, man, yeah. I have it because to me, it's just good hygiene. Like it's good. You know? So, got it, man. Okay, so, before this whole, before this whole plague, that's what I call the pandemic a plague. Okay, how the hell did you go around that washing your hands like how? Okay, I didn't pass that. That's nasty. Okay. To each his own, but it's nasty. Okay, so, yep, I'm saying that. People tell me all the time. Every time I see you, you're always using it at a restaurant. I, again, wait before the pandemic because it's who I am. Can't help it. I always ask for plastic utensils, plastic silverware. You know, if I'm eating in, give me a to go cup. Because I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna tell you why I am like I am. About five or six years ago, I entered the Applebee's. And I had ordered a Long Island Iced Tea. And you know how to bring your drink tea with a straw already in your cup and all that crap. Yeah, man. So I sit from this straw. And the next day, I was sick as hell. I mean, and I didn't have anything else that whole day before. Okay, so I chopped it up, which I know for a fact came from that show from pretty much dirty hands. But here's the thing people don't think about when you go to bars, okay, you out utility, feeling good and drinking. You actually your drink for that bartender needing to give you your drink and get strong in there. Listen, this bartender touched everything, then touch money, didn't touch, didn't touch to cash registered and then touched. You know people's hands and stuff like that. But they're steady, getting those little little sippy strolls and putting it in your glass. Do you ever think about that? No. So let me let me tell you what get on and do because I get a little bit sad for me too. Okay. I go out to a restaurant. Okay. And I know for a fact that this restaurant do not have covered straws. You know, paper covered straws, and they drink it to you already in your I don't care if it can be a soda, I don't care. I always reminds from home Honey, I go in my purse, and I get out my straw. It could be a it could be a nice little spirit drink or it could be a soda. It doesn't matter. I got a straw for all. And most, most restaurants, they have plastic utensils that I can prepare because if you don't, I got my own. I'll bring my own. I because I'm gonna tell you what. I said I have a degree in forensics. Okay, let me let me let me let me score you on will something. Okay. And I'm not trying to take away from the restaurant world. So please don't take it that way. I'm just going off of my experience. Okay, great. Let me tell you. So we had to take all these classes in school. You know, when I was going to college for the stuff we had to do. Oh my God, we had so much. Well, they were trying to cap they was trying to capture this guy who was a serial killer, but they have to have proof. Okay. So they had these cops undercover cop sticking out this guy, you know, try to get his DNA and stuff like that, right? So they go into this restaurant, this guy he drink from a cup. A you ate from the regular, you know, fork. So they waited for him to leave. And then they spoke with the manager. And they were able to collect his his glass that he drank from his his silverware. And it took it back to the lab for testing. And guess what? When they tested that fork, there was five different DNA is on that floor. Which tells which tells the you that fork was not properly washed.
Unknown Speaker 29:53
It wasn't properly so ever since and this is over 10 years ago. Okay. That's what All these classes because I know some stuff, okay? To all these classes, okay? I don't I when I go to a restaurant, I do like eight regular silverware. I want plastic made up plastic, I'm only aware about it and I get my own straw because you can trust nothing. They take these silverware and plates and all and you stick it in a dishwasher and you'll be good if the hot water hits the you know that utensils and stuff and sometimes they don't properly clean it. That means you are putting your mouth on everybody else's germs. So no, I'm good on that. Good night.
Unknown Speaker 30:38
I have a hard time even kissing somebody when I really really really really dig them which
Unknown Speaker 30:43
Erica no girl, because I've talked about my journey.
Unknown Speaker 30:49
So I was like what terms? Cuz she even said, I don't know if you were to she said how many names came up?
Unknown Speaker 31:00
Oh my god. And you know what, you can laugh at it. But it's real. That stuff is real nasty, and it's scary. So it's very slow. You have if you have like an STD, like herpes or something like that, in some cases, and maybe a little rare, but in some cases, it ain't always coming from the partner that he was with. It's coming from what you ate. It's coming from how you ate your food. And it's sad, but
Unknown Speaker 31:28
those things are they definitely transferable.
Unknown Speaker 31:30
Yeah, they should not wait. You're gonna make
Unknown Speaker 31:34
a pop up dish and be like, you can put my food in here when I do.
Unknown Speaker 31:38
It is okay, it's better to be safe than sorry. So I'm just I am germaphobic I put the gene in Jerome very germaphobic. Um, you know, if people ask me all the time, you know, the people I'm out with, they'd be like, are you is great again. I'm smart. I'm a I got got one time. I'm good. You know? I'm gonna do me. Yeah, wow. Am a baby. He is my fourth baby. My son. He feels like me. You know, he wants us to go cup. You know, cuz kids are kids. They're resilient. They pretty much copy me as like, Oh my god, I turned my baby into a germaphobic like me, But hey, at least she's trying. Right? Yeah, he's trained You know? So yeah, mom's not crazy. Trust me.
Unknown Speaker 32:39
No question about your forensic degree. Do you do anything currently with your
Unknown Speaker 32:45
degree? Um, I have not right now. I'm not when I get listen. So when I was coming up, I wanted to be literally everything right. I wanted to be a firefighter. I wanted to be a police officer only wanted to be a police officer. Because my mom told me that I was mean enough to be one I was already set for it. And coming up I did have a no honestly coming up. I did have a nice streak in me. I had a I had an attitude problem when I was younger. And I think after I had my child is is salted me to where I'm more laid back on reserve. I'm very, I'm very reserved, you know, but like, I talk your way. Yeah, no, don't get me wrong. She's still in there. She needs to come out. But I'm more reserved. I don't just jump to it. Now. It's not I don't go into attack mode. Now. I kind of I kind of weigh my options. Now. You know what I mean? When you grow older, you're supposed to become wiser with it. So I feel like I'm a lot, a lot more wiser. But at the same time, if you have a certain thing that's in you, like my birth sign is a Leo. Okay. So I feel like I felt like I had denta phi with that because Leo's are very they're very smart. They're very protective. They're they're wild, vicious creatures. You know what I'm saying? I have that in me. No, I swear to God, I'm just being honest. I do believe there's another side. There is definitely another side. I come from it. It's just more chains now. A lot more tape now. Yeah. Yeah. So So yeah, I just like, like I said, I'm I'm very observant. I I choose my battles. A lot. When I let go because it's not worth it, it's just that worst. It's just not worth me getting all riled up about, you know what I mean for the most part so you choose to you know walk away from certain things but yeah, I'm, I'm, I'm cool people so for a
Unknown Speaker 35:25
while we believe that 100% we are absolutely amazing and thank you. Absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 35:31
And you'd be that one to be out with because it'd be like a if you knew you knew if it started to go down,
Unknown Speaker 35:39
girl go down we just need to leave. Put your hands on me Don't do that. Don't put your hands on me. Don't put your hands on nothing that I love are nothing that I own. And we cool. You know, you can talk all day and all night this cool. Absolutely don't get Don't touch me. Don't get me. That's it.
Unknown Speaker 36:00
Share with people that that philosophy is attainable. It's attainable.
Unknown Speaker 36:04
Absolutely. Words are just words. And you can walk away. Absolutely. Yes. You got to be in jail. Right. Right. So are
Unknown Speaker 36:19
you usually traveling?
Unknown Speaker 36:22
Um, yeah. I've traveled I've spent a lot of places. Now, the only thing that I had done was traveled outside of the country. Okay, but actually, that is we're planning to go to Dubai as we speak. So I'm excited about that. Because Dubai is a very nice, it's a beautiful extravagant structure. Sure. He is devising everything. Everything is
Unknown Speaker 36:56
a great time.
Unknown Speaker 36:57
I hope I do too. Yes, I do. Now, when I am doing right now, too. And I want to mention, and I'm very proud of it is I'm planning my first step into the Glo. celebration. It's going down in August. I did talk to martone about it. So he knows about it. And yeah, it's definitely VIP is not an open invitation. Of course you guys are invited. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 37:27
yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So we're and it's a really, it's a Cincinnati? Absolutely. Like my hometown. Yeah. So we're looking forward to that. And this is going to be really nice. Really nice. So beautiful. Congratulations. And yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 38:04
Especially being your first one.
Unknown Speaker 38:07
Unknown Speaker 38:11
Cincinnati is huge. I am, I drove past it. Again, several years ago, I was on my way to Baltimore, actually, for a business weekend. And I was like, holy cow, like still Holy cow. It's still it's another exit Holy
Unknown Speaker 38:28
cow. Still another exit like, I could not believe that sitting is, is huge. It's just very conservative. Ohio period is conservative. So we're, you look for support, you know, especially in the industry, unless you have millions of followers and a lot of clout nowadays, they tend not to support you here, which is, to me is sad. Because it's your hometown. So it's like, why not? You know what I mean? Why not back somebody who's trying to do something, especially someone who has, you know, their stuff together. And, again, when it comes to the music, like I was saying, you can, you can have the best songs out there. But if it ain't, if it ain't popping here, we're not going to support it, you know what I mean? But once I pop in other places, and you start to build a name for yourself, that's when they want to hit you up, and that's when they want to be bothered with you. And I just, I just disagree with that so much, because to me, that's just sad. To me. It is very common that way.
Unknown Speaker 39:42
A very, very common story that folks do not get the support that they should from their hometown. You know, for whatever reason, I can turn it whatever, whatever your philosophy is, like, if someone is it, that they're pushing and they're motivated, they need your support and That's, that's one part that I've, I've, I've attempted to grasp and understand, you know, a little bit better over the last several or several years. And it's still it's challenging, it's challenging because I just, I don't get it.